Please note that even a high-quality computer program can not generate the final decision in clinical diagnostics. The main field of application of this software is in extracting knowledge from large datasets by putting them in context with other research data, i.e. research. It is not intended for human medical purposes. The Phylo-Resistance-Search-Engine (PhyResSE) therefore comes without a CE label or any other certificate for human medical purposes. In no way will the Research Center Borstel or any person associated with Research Center Borstel be held responsible for any worsening of health condition or problems that may occur due to the use of this webservice or the advice contained within. Do not use PhyResSE as a, or as part of a, in-vitro diagnostic system or as a, or as part of a, medicine product. In misusing PhyResSE as a, or as part of an in-vitro diagnosticum or medicine product, the user takes full responsibility as a "manufacturer" by European law.

Validity of the data depends on numerous factors incl. proper genomic library design, use of high fidelity DNA polymerases, control of absence of contamination etc. Although we aim at highlighting systematic errors where possible, the user is responsible to inspect these and for taking them into account for proper data interpretation. There may be systematic errors we are not (yet) aware of. All data, functionality, and code are supplied "as is" without any warranty as to their accuracy or completeness. The developer does not accept any liability or responsibility towards the user. All use of PhyResSE is entirely at the user’s own risk.

This becomes even more important when taking into account the flexibility of PhyResSE. The user can freely change mutation tables and other parameters. The user takes the whole responsibility for the final result of the analysis.