Data Security
Upload uses java skript and, in case you login via the public account,
a cookie. The latter stores your 32-character session key which is
only transmitted after a secure SSL connection has been established,
thus never travelling the internet unencrypted. It serves to
reliably prevent anyone from accessing your data. Like with any decent key,
this will include yourself in case you loose it. Since cookies may
get deleted, e.g. in the course of clearing your browsing
history, it is advisable to store your key: Copy/paste your session key from
here or
find out how to view your
browser's cookies, look for one set by (Name:
PHYRESSID) and copy-paste its content (i.e. your session key, looks like
c29027d90d4fc80f589473695932a64c). Now you can also access your data
from another browser and/or another computer by using your key
This will create above cookie on the new computer/browser such
that you only have to "unlock" once. On the other hand, like with any
other key it should not be left lying around. To prevent others from
using it, make shure to delete the cookie after
accessing your data from a public computer.
Data Expiry
NGS data are large and our storage capacities limited. We
can hold your data only for a limited time. Effective expiry periods for data
and sessions are displayed on the upload page. They may need to
be adapted to available storage and recent workloads from time to time.
Before upload
You can drag & drop files from your desktop on this webpage with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.

will open a window for selecting local files.
Upload uses the jQuery file upload plugin supporting multiple file selection, progress bars, chunked and resumable uploads.
Maximum file size for uploads was set to 2.1 GB. Files of this
size yield mean coverages of more than 1,000x. If for any reason
you need to process larger files, please
contact us.
Initiate uploading with the blue "start upload" button.
When the waitbar almost reaches the right end, the system will
take extra time checking the entire file content for proper
fastq format. Do not switch off your computer nor your browser
until all files are uploaded and checked.
Start processing all uploaded files by
Process files (below

Or automatically after upload by checking
the little box beforehand (before starting upload of a multi-file
Steps such as mapping or variant calling take several minutes.
Meanwhile, a progress page (updated every few seconds) shows
all remaining steps in grey while linking already computed ones in
black and red.
Processing many large files may take hours to overnight
(maybe days, hard to
provide any estimate, depends on the traffic). Just drop by later
to get an idea or in the morning to collect your results. It is
safe both to close your browser and switch off your computer
meanwhile (as long as you record your session key).
Every result is computed only once, do not hesitate to
Process files again after coming back.
Warning: For programmers only. In case you wonder whether Unix is a Peruvian freshwater toadfish you may find this part uninformative.)
Multiple-file upload by jQuery-File-Upload (server-side PHP
handler), each file may be sized up to 2.1 GB.
File check by fastQValidator (using LibStatGen).
Sessions are mediated by
cookies (encrypted transfer via HTTPS) using CGI::Session with ip-match switched on. In case this causes problems
(if your IP changes during your browsing time), please let us know.
Expired data are deleted by a nightly cronjob starting at 00:01
jQuery JavaScript Library v1.9.1
jQuery UI - v1.10.3
libStatGen v1.0.10
FastQValidator v0.1.1
Blast v2.2.26
Ref. Genome: NC_000962.3