In order to add exports to sessions computed before 2-6-15 (displaying "done." but no exports), re-initiate computation by uploading and deleting a mock file before clicking "Process files". This will NOT re-compute all the results but only the exports (taking about ten minutes, only).
VCF-stats (also by VCFtools: vcf-stats) provides some statistics.
VCF-tab: It is then "flattened" into tab-delimited text format (also by VCFtools: vcf-to-tab, displaying max. two alleles), and further into a
FASTA file, in which each sample is represented by one sequence ( by Christina Bergey, with only one allele at each position). Both VCF-tab and FASTA comprise only SNP genome positions. Moreover, the fasta file is produced by ignoring all multi-allele positions at the moment. We currently work on decomposing mixed samples into separate (component) sequences, also estimating their shares (percentage of whole sample except contamination reads).
Tree (): Last, a maximum likelihood tree is generated from the fasta file by
FastTree and rendered by jstree. The latter enables to
# code snippet producing all exports (embedding Newick tree in HTML for visualization by java script)
while ($file=<$ARGV[0]*.bam.flt.vcf>){ # feed all single-sample vcf files
$res=`/usr/bin/bgzip -c $file > ${file}.gz`; print "$res\n";
$res=`/usr/bin/tabix -p vcf ${file}.gz`; print "$res\n";
$filecount++; $files=$files.${file}.'.gz ';
if ($filecount>1){ # merge and tree from min 2 files
print "summarizing (exports and tree)\n";
$res=`/usr/bin/vcf-merge ${files} > $ARGV[0]export.vcf`; print "$res\n";
$res=`/usr/bin/vcf-stats $ARGV[0]export.vcf > $ARGV[0]export.stats`; print "$res\n";
$res=`/bin/cat $ARGV[0]export.vcf | /usr/bin/vcf-to-tab > $ARGV[0]`; print "$res\n";
$res=`/usr/bin/ --exclude_het --output_ref -i $ARGV[0] > $ARGV[0]export.fa`; print "$res\n";
$res=`/usr/bin/FastTreeMP -nt -quiet $ARGV[0]export.fa`;
$res=~s/,/,\n/g; $res=~s/\)/\n\)/g; # break into many lines for easy copy/paste
open(Fout,"> $ARGV[0]export.html");
print Fout <<"END";
<textarea id="nhx-ex" style="display: none">
print Fout $res;
print Fout '</textarea></body></html>'."\n\n";
close Fout;